Shades of Violet
Violet lives in Nice with my dear friend Kate and her husband Michele. She may reside in France but, make no mistake, this feline was born in Italy. Kate and Michele rescued her from a feral existence when she was a kitten. Violet now fully embraces the beauty and luxury of her surroundings. And she adores flowers. (Please note that she does not eat them!) Kate started sending me photos of Violet among the weekly bouquets, and I kept asking for more. Not only is Violet photogenic, but the setting is romantic and mysterious. No surprise there: Kate is a fabulously talented artist with a unique eye. One which always delights me!! Plus, we share a deep and abiding love of enamelware. And Michele is the proprietor of Danda Productions (among other ventures), a twenty year old antiques business where you’ll find a consistently excellent collection of landscape, portrait and still life drawings and paintings.
How about that wacky Serge Gainsbourg head?
Tuesday 01.06.15 at 10:43 pm
Puuuurrrrfectly lovely!! 🙂
Thursday 01.08.15 at 4:17 pm
Kate is also a dear friend of mine but I have not seen all these beautiful pictures of Violet and think you have a wonderful collection and was delighted to be able to share them
Thank you
Friday 01.09.15 at 10:30 am
Stunning! Violet’s ears are like flower petals. Bed and armoir picture fooled me…..I was looking for a nose or tail among the bedding before I spotted the beautiful face atop the armoir! I’m Kate’s mother, lucky me.
Wednesday 01.14.15 at 4:35 am
Hi- Such lovely photos, these! I particularly like the one of Violet behind some red tulips, in which her ears echo the chevron of the wallpaper. Your friend has a very good eye.
Thanks for sharing!